
In this section we share the latest recruitment and labor market news, insights, trends and reports for employers and businesses across the world.

Employers Struggle to Fill These 30 In-Demand Tech Jobs For years, engineering and IT positions have been notoriously difficult to fill with qualified talent….
Innovación y tecnología para la transformación de su empresa En un par de parpadeos hemos visto cambios dramáticos y drásticos en nuestra vida diaria….
What you need to know to conduct successful remote interviews Here we are, a year later, still coping with the ongoing effects of the…
As COVID-19 lingers and keeps altering the way people and businesses interact, many companies continue to rely on virtual interviewing to support their hiring…
RIDE THE COVID-19 STORM WITH THESE 9 TRANSFERRABLE SKILLS As the COVID-19 pandemic alters nearly every aspect of our lives, the workplace is undergoing…
Easy-to-read guide: 8 Trends to Watch for in the Post-COVID World The last thing on your mind when you were working on your 2020…