How to Keep Employee Morale Up During Difficult Times [INFOGRAPHIC]

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During a crisis, employers are in a unique position to improve employee morale.

The coronavirus pandemic is putting a lot of pressure on already fragile employee-employer relationships, with both sides trying to figure out their rights and responsibilities:

Employees are torn between safeguarding their health and doing whatever it takes to keep their jobs and paychecks.

Employers are caught between a rock and a hard place as they attempt to stay in business while keeping their employees safe.

Adding to this tug of war are government mandates instructing businesses to shut down and people to self-quarantine. Nonetheless, there are ways to manage this tug of war.

Simple things, such as talking to them, addressing their concerns and showing you care about their well-being, can make all the difference. Every employee in every company wants to feel valued and appreciated. Happy employees are productive employees.

Check out this helpful infographic for 5 key steps to keep employee morale up

Ways to keep employee morale up



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